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Currently reading

The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey
Peter Clines
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It
Kelly McGonigal
Clockwork Princess
Cassandra Clare
The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness
Simon Wiesenthal
Love Medicine
Louise Erdrich
Love Medicine: Newly Revised Edition
Louise Erdrich

Decline and Fall

Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh Decline and Fall is a dark satiric comedy about Paul Pennyfeather who is expelled from college when he loses his pants during a drunken celebration. His life, and the rest of the book, go downhill from there. Paul's life goes from teaching a school, to prison, and back to school. It was probably outrageously funny and clever when the book was written in the 1920's, but somehow the humor was lost on me. This was a disappointment because I found his book Brideshead Revisited to be a combination of wit and serious discussion. This book was lacking in both.